Saturday, September 09, 2006

9-11 Conspiracy

I am amazed that there seems to be so many people that believe that the US government was involved in the downing of the World Trade Center Towers.

A poll this week said that 36% of Americans thought the government was involved. Are there really that many stupid, ill-informed people out there? My guess is that the poll is flawed and that the actual number is around 10%. Still, that is too many Art Bell types for me.

The whole idea is crazy. I read that a university professor, who is part of some loose knit conspiracy club has been teaching this nonsense in class. Thankfully, he has been suspended. He states that he discovered trace elements of a military explosive at ground zero, ergo the government planted the charges in the buildings and blew them up. This is so easy to debunk.

1. Why would the government do this?

2. Anyone who saw the video of the buildings collapsing saw that they began to crumble at the floors where the planes hit. In order to accomplish bringing down the buildings with explosives, the government would have had to do at least some of the following:
A. Secretly plant bombs in the building ahead of time when no one was looking. Hard to do I imagine. There were thousands of people who worked there, don't you think someone would have noticed something strange. "Betty, what is that strange thing attached to the column in your office?" "I don't know, Gloria, maybe it is a new computer server."

B. Remember the buildings colapsed at the point where the planes hit. The explosive charges would have had to be placed on those floors before the planes hit. How would the government known exactly which floors would have been hit?

C. If they had been lucky enough to plant the explosives on the right floors, how did the ensure that they would not have exploded on impact?

D. If the government has been so incompetent in running the war in Iraq, finding Osama, and being full of bumbling boobs, how could they pull off the crime of the century?

Wake up you conspiracy fools, it may be fun to think you have stumbled upon a vast conspiracy, but your energies are misplaced and are only helping the cause of our true enemy, i.e. Islamic extremists. You should be ashamed. The whole group of you are wholly un-American.


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