Thursday, November 06, 2008

Election Review

Ok, so I said it was going to be a blowout, and I was right. I said all along it would be a blowout, but I just didn't know who would win.  In August I posted that McCain would hand Obama a stunning defeat. I stand corrected.

McCain had an impossible task and a mountain of negativity to overcome. The financial crisis in September was the final blow to his campaign.

So Obama will be the next president. It should be interesting. Let's hope he doesn't steer us way left and run us into the ditch.

Here is some comfort courtesy Robert Browning.

The year 's at the spring,
And day 's at the morn;
Morning 's at seven;
The hill-side 's dew-pearl'd;
The lark 's on the wing;
The snail 's on the thorn;
God 's in His heaven—
All 's right with the world!